Tuesday, 11 June 2013

My Transition Experience from UNB to UofT

I am taking a week off heading back to New Brunswick, where my home is and where I did my undergrad studies. I did my undergrad in University of New Brunswick (UNB) and, coming back home, reminded me of my undergrad life. My undergrad life is very different from my grad life at UofT and this motivated me to do a comparison between my life at UNB and University of Toronto (UofT).

The first thing that came to my mind was the lifestyle at these two different places. During my undergrad years, I studied in Fredericton which is a small town but the capital city of New Brunswick. But UofT is located near downtown of Toronto. Clearly, Toronto has more activities going around and life in Toronto is much more interesting. But this maybe distracting at certain times. The downside is it is troublesome to drive or commute around in Toronto. Fredericton, on the other hand, is a quiet town and there less events going on here. This makes it easier for one to concentrate on work or study. Driving in Fredericton is also more relaxing. Personally, I definitely enjoy having more choices for activities and restaurants, which I really appreciate it.

The other obvious difference is the differences between the difficulty of the coursework in the two universities. In UofT, there are a lot more variety of courses that you can choose. However, their difficulty is typically harder than the level at UNB. During my first year at UofT, I had to spend a lot of time to adjust myself to that level of difficulty. Perhaps that is one of the main drawbacks of going from a smaller university to a larger one. The course being harder may not be a bad thing. It helps one to better remember the material and understand it better. This experience is both good and bad at the same time.

That's basically my main experience of my transition from UNB to UofT. Overall the transition is definitely a good experience. If I were to choose again, I would still go to UofT because what I gained was more than what I lost.

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